Sašo Popovski Trio
The rhythms and harmonic lines without boundaries – Balkan jazz with a modern soul.Sašo Popovski – kitara / guitar; Ivan Bejkov – bas / bass; Viktor Filipovski – bobni, tolkala / drums, percussion
Sašo Popovski je vodilni makedonski jazz kitarist in skladatelj. V svoji dosedanji karieri je Popovski posnel pet albumov z različnimi makedonskimi in mednarodnimi glasbeniki. Je avtor številnih solističnih skladb ter glasbe za film in gledališče. Glasba Saša Popovskega ima čiste linije, kompleksne strukture in razvito domišljijo. Ritmično in melodično spominja na orientalske vzorce, kar jo naredi nekoliko mistično. Svoje skladbe ustvarja okoli jasnih in privlačnih melodičnih linij. “Fallen Land” je album, v katerem najdemo najboljše iz sodobne jazz glasbe na Balkanu.
Sašo Popovski is Macedonian leading jazz guitarist and composer. In his career so far, Popovski has recorded five albums with various Macedonian and international musicians.He is the author of many solo compositions and music for film and theater. Saso Popovski’s music has clean lines, complex structures and a developed imagination. Rhythmically and melodically, it resembles oriental patterns, which makes it a bit mystical. He creates his compositions around clear and attractive melodic lines. “Fallen Land” is an album in which we can find the best of contemporary jazz music in the Balkans.
V sodelovanju z Jazz Festivals Association. / In cooperation with the Jazz Festivals Association.
Foto: arhiv zasedbe